Functional Strength
Product Details
This downloadable 12 week program serves as the cornerstone for the Hybrid / Tactical Athlete and was developed, tested and tweaked over four years by members of the Military and First Responder communities. It was created to assist in the the application of strength and conditioning to real-world, life or death scenarios.
We integrate Isometrics and Eccentrics in our lifts (all explained within the program) that ensure that you can do more than lift, but apply that strength in the field. We also incorporate power movements that will build explosive strength and cardiovascular components to ensure a well-balanced athlete.
The program has 110 pages of tips and techniques to help you get the most out of your training and a daily workout that tells you exactly what you need to do to perform at your best.
Who this program is for:
Those with a solid strength foundation that need to increase stamina and endurance or the endurance athlete that needs to increase strength. This program seeks to build a truly hybrid athlete, building upon strength and cardiovascular components to ensure that you can reach the objective quickly and efficiently yet still have the capacity to overwhelm the enemy on target.
What you'll need:
Most of what you will need can be found in base / station gyms. This includes a squat rack, barbell and plates, dumbbells, medicine balls and kettlebells. We also incorporate a lot of strongman activities such as sled dragging and farmers walks as well as encourage use of sandbags as we feel these movements translate well to the Tactical Practitioner.
Why this program is different:
A lot of "Tactical" programs are based purely on circuit training with minimal strength work and minimal cyclical progression. While those can be effective in boosting and maintaining cardiovascular endurance and stamina, it does little in progressing strength and may in fact detract from strength. Strength should be seen as the foundation of all activity and strength is the hardest to build. This program attempts to train you like a professional athlete might train in the off-season using proven methods such as the Squat, Deadlift, and Press. Yet we also apply strongman methods as we feel that many of these techniques have direct "in-season" carry-over to real life duties in the field environment. We do however incorporate circuits and other anaerobic / aerobic activities as finishers over the 12 week period to ensure stamina, flexibility, and coordination in the athlete.
By purchasing this program, you will have direct access to a Sheepdog Strong Tactical Coach to answer any and all questions you may have related to the program. You didn't get where you are alone and we'll be sure to assist you every step along the way.
This program is available by download upon purchase.
If you have further questions about this program or have issues with the download, please email us at
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